Welcome to the City of West Alton, MO website.

***The Feb 11, 2025 City Board Meeting has now been moved an addition week back to Feb 25, 2025. The weather forecast has temperatures in the teens next week. Too cold to be out.*** 

THE MoDOT Public Meeting  HAS BEEN CANCELLED.  They will reschedule sometime in the future.



Planning and Zoning meetings are on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30.

City Council meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30.

Check the Events Calendar to see what is happening at our parks and facilities.


The following links provide information about the St. Charles County 2019 Flood Buyout Program. One is a link to the KSDK news story. There are other news stories out there as well that you can search for. The other is a link to the St. Charles County Website with more information about the program. According to the news you should be receiving a letter in the mail, but if you are interested I recommend that you contact them even if you haven't received the letter yet. There is a phone number in both places. Remember this program is run by St. Charles County and not the City of West Alton, so you will want to contact them directly. The phone number listed is 636-200-1933
You can stay up to date at www.modot.gov
This link will take you directly to the project page.  https://www.modot.org/us-route-67-safety-and-operational-improvements-st-charles-1