
West Alton City Parks

West Alton has 3 city parks. Park hours are sunrise to sunset each day.

If you would like to reserve one of the City Parks for a special event you need to call City Hall (636-899-1734) and leave a message. Your call will be returned.

Check the Calendar to see what is going on at the park.

Rivers Point Tractor Pulling Association pull at West Alton Park on 5/18/2014

West Alton City Park

West Alton City Park is located at 15100 North State Route 94. The City Park has 2 Pavilions, Restrooms, Ball Diamond, Tractor Pull Track and Horseshoe Pits.  It is also home to our yearly Fireworks Display. It is currently under repair.

Memorial Day Service at West Alton Memorial Park

West Alton Memorial Park

The West Alton Memorial Park is home to the Veteran’s Memorial and the Memorial Paver Bricks. It is located across the road from the City Park.  The Memorial Day Service is held each year at Noon.


West Alton Children's Park and Basketball Court

The West Alton Children’s Park and Basketball Court is located in front of the Rivers Pointe Fire Department.

Other Parks, Recreation and Conservation Areas

West Alton is home to The Edward (Ted) and Pat Jones – Confluence Point State Park,  The Audubon Center at Riverlands, The Missouri Department of Conservation areas at West Alton and Dresser Island, and several US Army Corps of Engineers Recreation Areas.  West Alton does not operate these Parks and Areas. For more information about these please visit the following websites.

Edward "Ted" and Pat Jones-Confluence Point State Park
The Audubon Center at Riverlands
Missouri Department of Conservation - Dresser Island and West Alton
Big Muddy National Fish and Wildlife Refuge - Cora Island